Types of Hydropower Typologies

Hydropower schemes are used to generate electricity, among numerous other useful purposes. Hydropower refers to the energy that is obtained from the vigour of rushing water.  This technology is flexible and versatile, and even when at its smallest, it can still power a residence.

When optimised fully, it is not only able to service industries but the public as well. When it comes to its generation capacity, hydro is able to account for 8 out of the ten largest power stations.

Types of Hydropower Schemes

There are generally four main types of hydro typologies:

1. Run-of-River

This refers to a facility that is able to channel the water flowing in a river through a penstock or canal and into a turbine. Normally, this kind of project does not come with any storage facility, and where available, it’s very little. This type of project is able to supply a continuous base-load, but with some operational flexibility for daily demand fluctuations via water flow regulated by the facility.

2. Offshore Hydropower

The technology is less established, even though it belongs to a group of technologies that is rapidly growing. It makes use of the power of waves or tidal currents to produce electric power from the seawater.

3. Pumped-Storage

It’s able to deliver peak-load supply by combining water that has been cycled between upper and lower artificial lakes by pumps. The pumps utilise the extra energy produced by the system when the demand is not too high. When the demand increases, the water gets released back to the lower level reservoir to assist in generating energy.

4. Storage Hydropower

Traditionally, this refers to a very large system that makes use of a dam to hold water in a tank. Energy gets generated by releasing the water that is in the tank via a turbine, which then helps to start a generator. This type of scheme is able to provide baseload and can be started and shut down within a moment’s notice depending on the system demands.

Benefits of Choosing Hallidays Hydropower International for The Delivery and Maintenance of Hydropower Schemes

Hallidays Hydropower International has years of experience in innovating, delivering, maintaining, and servicing hydropower systems. We have worked with numerous high profile landowners such as the Manchester Ship Canal, The National Trust, Guinness Asset Management, Chatsworth House, and Blenheim Palace. Contact us with any enquiries on +44(0)7790 191908 or send an email to hydro@hallidays.com.

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